During the winter, water pipes can burst due to the severe freezing temperatures. The owners of this
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Dust extraction
Construction or renovation and dust go hand in hand. But that does not mean that you or the people on your worksite have to breathe in dust the whole time.
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Good to know: Since 1 January 2017, contractors have been required to keep dust emissions as low as possible when carrying out construction works. Fortunately, Buildingdryers.be has the solution.
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How many buildingdryers?
When you have decided to use building dryers to speed up the drying time of your screed or plasterwork, you should ask yourself how many building dryers you will need to ensure optimal drying.
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Building dryer and fan
Hiring a building dryer is interesting for those who want to finish their home. It will save you time and also the stress that is associated with lack of time.
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Interior designers
At long last, the time has come to furnish your interior. You draw inspiration from the many available options and carefully look for the right materials to furnish your home.
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Provincialeweg 1
2890 Puurs-Sint-Amands
(Enter in Google Maps)
Houtenmolenstraat 69B
B-9255 Buggenhout
BTW BE0886.987.301
KBC BE57 7370 2003 9435