Due to major renovation works in the physiotherapy practice, Lies’ workspace had to be tempora
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Industrial dust extraction
One of the most important ways to quickly and efficiently neutralise construction and refurbishing dust and dirt is good Industrial dust extraction. The Trotec TAC series is your lifesaver!
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How many buildingdryers?
When you have decided to use building dryers to speed up the drying time of your screed or plasterwork, you should ask yourself how many building dryers you will need to ensure optimal drying.
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Dust extraction
Construction or renovation and dust go hand in hand. But that does not mean that you or the people on your worksite have to breathe in dust the whole time.
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Practical tips
With natural drying it is difficult to estimate the length of the drying process, but also with building dryers it is virtually impossible to determine the exact drying time. In general.
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Odour control
Are you suffering from air pollution in your home or business? Ozone generators allow odour components and other air pollutants to be efficiently decomposed at molecular level.
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Provincialeweg 1
2890 Puurs-Sint-Amands
(Enter in Google Maps)
Houtenmolenstraat 69B
B-9255 Buggenhout
BTW BE0886.987.301
KBC BE57 7370 2003 9435