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Mobile Cooling
Mobile Cooling ACT-7
Mobile Cooling ACT-7
€ 36 /day
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Very well organized. When in doubt, they call you to find a solution (in our case, there was no finished drain in the basement, which was eventually fixed cleanly). They also come by to solve problems and are very reasonable in terms of compensation. Highly recommended!

Frederick S.
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Thanks for the fast delivery, prompt service and very competitive price! Used the construction dryer and accessories for five weeks without any problems.

Steven O.
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The building dryer did its job well and we are very satisfied with the service!

Bart C.
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Contacted one Sunday evening at 9pm, answered immediately. On a Sunday evening! The next morning the construction dryer could be delivered. Good material, everything is provided and professional installation. An example!

Gregory M.
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We are 200% satisfied with your construction dryer DF800 that we used. Chap installed in early May and 6 weeks later we got to have cork (yes, yes, cork!) installed!!! Chapeau also for the punctuality of delivery, and the efficiency of your staff. That was to be said!

Danny & Katrien
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2 hours after my phone call I was already helped. So that was very fast and also very professional, very friendly and for a correct price, so 10 out of 10!

Mark V.
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Thank you very much for the punctual delivery of the construction dryer and the friendly and clear explanation by Jelle.

Patricia V.
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Thank you for your prompt service! Truly a pleasure to work with you guys for our project. Top!

Hans D.
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Very wide selection always the right advice for which devices to use. And on top of that friendly, helpful staff and all at very competitive prices. Highly recommended!

Branco B.
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The two DF200s were with us for one month. The result is definitely very positive! We should have done this much ea

Björn C.

The Red Cross had this new storage facility built in order to store blood. The floor here
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Good to know: Since 1 January 2017, contractors have been required to keep dust emissions as low as possible when carrying out construction works. Fortunately, has the solution.
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Industrial dust extraction
One of the most important ways to quickly and efficiently neutralise construction and refurbishing dust and dirt is good Industrial dust extraction. The Trotec TAC series is your lifesaver!
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A building dryer: operation?
Too much moisture can cause a lot problems in your home. These may result not only from leakage or water damage; a large amount of moisture also builds up in your home during the actual construction.
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Odour eliminators
Does your home have an unpleasant odour? Or do you need an air purifier at your place of business?
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Building dryer: low temperatures
It is a myth that building dryers work less efficiently at lower temperatures. What is true is that building dryers thrive, and therefore perform optimally, in warmer environments.
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